Fluorescein Sodium 2%

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Solution of Fluorescein Sodium BP. Two strengths are available: Fluorescein Sodium BP 1% and 2% w/v. Therapeutic Indications: As a diagnostic stain. Fluorescein does not stain a normal cornea but conjunctival abrasions are stained yellow or orange, corneal abrasions or ulcers are stained a bright green and foreign bodies are surrounded by a green ring.Fluorescein can be used in diagnostic examinations including Goldmann tonometry and in the fitting of hard contact lenses - Please note, product subject to 2-3 business days lead time
Solution of Fluorescein Sodium BP. Two strengths are available: Fluorescein Sodium BP 1% and 2% w/v. Therapeutic Indications: As a diagnostic stain. Fluorescein does not stain a normal cornea but conjunctival abrasions are stained yellow or orange, corneal abrasions or ulcers are stained a bright green and foreign bodies are surrounded by a green ring.Fluorescein can be used in diagnostic examinations including Goldmann tonometry and in the fitting of hard contact lenses - Please note, product subject to 2-3 business days lead time